December 16, 2007


... shovelling aside ...

I'm not sure why they are still smiling ...
not sure i would be buried up to my neck in snow!

If you look very, very closely ...
you may be able to see Mr. Tumnus in the shadows


Dougie G said...

Good pics!
I don't see anybody in the shadows.
Just trees and snow. Maybe I need my bifocals adjusted.

Patti said...

I see him!!! I do!!!! I LOVE Mr. Tumnus!!!

(dougie g - you have to IMAGINE - your bifocals won't help)

Dougie G said...

What is he, a person, a dog, a cat, a mouse, huh??
What am I imagining I am seeing?

Kelly said...

Dougie ...

Mr. Tumnus is a character from CS Lewis' The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. He is a faun.

One of the main scenes has him, in the snowy wood near the light post when another main character, Lucy, stumbles into Narnia.

If you've never read to book, or seen the movie I highly recommend both!

Dougie G said...

Ahhh! Now I get it. I have heard of the book. Can you rent the movie at Block Buster? I would like to read it and watch it.

Kelly said...

Yep you can get it at Blockbuster. Make sure you get the one that was in theatres a couple of christmas' ago, as opposed to BBC renditions that have been done over the years. I think they went with the name NARNIA. It was an excellent take on the book.

Patti said...

It WAS an excellent take on the book. It is the only movie in my life that I have made a point of seeing on opening night.

Which was a mistake, because every child and teenager in the world was there, many with their youth pastors. I got peppered with Skittles a couple of times, and some kid smilingly booted my seat throughout the ENTIRE movie.

But still...good movie. And the books are just beyond compare. They are my favourite books in the world; they are my answer to the "if you were on a desert island, what books would you take" question.

Kelly said...

I am in "agreeance" with Patti on both the books and the movie.

I'm missing #2 out of my Narnia series that I've had since I was a youngin'. Perhaps I need to buy a new batch of them.

Joe said...

Ha! Mr Tumnus... I was looking and looking for I knew the name was familiar but the child in me was asleep and I couldn't see him.

I enjoyed reading the book series shortly after coming to the Lord. Last year I purchased the BBC series as a Christmas present for Linda. We both enjoyed watching the story unfold. Perhaps we will enter the new millinium and get the modern day version of the story that was released last year.

Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Joe - you can never let the child sleep! :)

highly recommend the new movie. It WAS excellent. I hear they are working on the next one (if it's not already finished filming) ... Prince Caspian is the next one out. They're kinda coming out disjointed!

Patti said...

You know, I once bought a beautifully illustrated, hard cover version of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" for someone as a gift.

I was thinking the other day that my childhood paperbacks are quite tattered. And wouldn't I greatly enjoy the entire set in a beautifully illustrated, hard cover version.

Hm. I'll have to add it to my wishlist.

Dougie G said...

I don't know how I missed this book growing up? Obviously it has been around a long time. Maybe my parents wouldn't let me read it because it has "witch" in the title. You would think there would be others in the Christian circles we walked in that would have known about this and recommended it.
Oh well, I am definitely going to read it now.
See, if you didn't ask us to look for Mr. Tumnus I wouldn't have found out about the book and I may have missed out on something good!

Kelly said...

Dougie ... highly recommend the WHOLE series. You can get them in paperback (boxed set) for a VERY reasonable price.

Just remember ... He's not a tame Lion! :)

Dougie G said...

Kelly.... I'll keep that in mind. thanks for the info. I may treat myself to a paper back stocking stuffer! lol.
Oh!..... and Merry Christmas to you and your fiance`.

Patti said...

"Safe? Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good."

Dougie G said...

I saw the whole set of books ( #1 to #7) at Blessings in paper back for $59. Is that good? They were on sale. You could buy the individual books too for 50% off. They differed in price. You could buy the Lion, The Witch and Wardrobe for about $7. Do you have to read the whole set or can you just read some of them to get the whole story? Is this like a series where one leads into the other or individual stories?

Kelly said...

Dougie ...
Chapters online has a boxed set (paperback) at $42. They also have the $59 range.

They are a series, and they do draw on one another. However, the Lion, Witch & Wardrobe could probably be a stand-alone read.

I've always enjoyed the series as a whole, as there is the spiritual allegory in them from Creation (book 1) to the Return of Christ (book 7).

Dougie G said...

Ahh! Ok thanks Kelly.