October 26, 2007


Mt. Hood, reflecting on Trillium Lake in Oregon

I was thinking of this photo last night during choir practice.
It's one I snapped a few years ago
while on a west coast road trip with my brother.
Thought about it because of a song we're singing.
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir's MY HELP
I will lift up mine eyes to the hills
From whence cometh my help
My help cometh from the Lord
The Lord Which made heaven and earth
He said, He will not suffer thy foot;
thy foot to be moved
The Lord Which keepeth thee
He will not slumber nor sleep
For the Lord is thy keeper
The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand
Upon thy right hand
For the sun shall not smite thee by day
Nor the moon by night
He shall preserve thy soul
Even forever more

My help, My help My help, All of my help Cometh from the Lord

It's one of my favourites from BTC.

Enjoy the audio version HERE

MY HELP - Jackie Gouche Farris, 1997 Iriving Music, Inc. / J Gouche Publishing

October 22, 2007


I've been told it's been a whole month (and a day) since I've done anything here. The question is .... does that mean i've seen nothing and learned nothing? That would be sad indeed. I have seen things ... there's a few pics posted below. I've learned a few things too (whew!)

Yesterday walking with Glyn and the kids to and through Battlefield Park. ARE WE THERE YET? I'm not quite sure how many times that phrase was uttered ... but it was greater than 15 and less than a million.

It's a phrase I've uttered on numerous occasions when in conversation with God. I sometimes get impatient with the journey. I'd like to arrive at the various destination spots along the way a little more quickly. I've learned though ... sometimes if I'm all impatient to "get there" I can miss some pretty impressive stuff along the way. I wonder if He gets tired of hearing the question?


Tyana, Glyn Jr & James @ Battlefield


Woodpecker @ RBG Arboretum

Dundas Rail Trail