1. Get out of debt or save money
2. Lose weight
3. Develop a healthy habit (e.g., exercise or healthy eating)
4. Get organized
5. Develop a new skill or talent
6. Spend more time with family and friends
7. Other
8. Work less, play more
9. Break an unhealthy habit (e.g., smoking, alcohol, overeating)
10. Change employment
Franklin-Covey did the survey. (Covey is of the Stephen Covey of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) They polled 15,301 people and this was the sum of all their hopes and dreams for 2008. Franklin-Covey also discovered that 35% of people break their resolutions by the end of January. 40% say it’s because they have too much on their plate, and 33% say they aren’t really committed to their resolutions. Only 23% attain their resolutions.
They’ve come up with 8 things that will help you be part of the 23%
1. Think of your resolutions as goals (they are more specific than vague resolutions … which is funny when you think of the phrase I resolve … that doesn’t seem vague that seems rather firm to me!)
2. Set only 1 or 2 realistic goals (see we’ve already changed the vocab!)
3. Write down your goals (so you have a record of future failure! :) You are supposed to write them and keep them in a place you can review them periodically … so napkin scraps tossed in the back seat don't bode well for the 23% success rate!)
4. Take baby steps (break your goal down into manageable bites and schedule them … already … the creative part of my brain is atrophied … I don’t schedule things well)
5. Go public (this is part of #3 … so your failure can be mocked by a good friend!)
6. Track Your progress (where is that scrap of napkin ???)
7. Reward Yourself (I have no issues with that … I’m all about that)
8. If you slip-up … Recommit (Don’t get discouraged if you slip up. Everyone has bad days. Just forgive yourself, recommit to your goal and keep moving forward. Stay energized and motivated to achieve the end result. … I actually really like this last statement … pretty much summarizes the Christian walk … except we also get to count on God’s showing us Grace, Mercy … )
The question is … do I do a resol … I mean set a New Year’s goal?