September 10, 2007


There are a couple of reasons for the GLEEFULNESS:

My brother KEN is home for about 3.3 days.
He's been on a work contract in Qatar for 2 years.
He had to go to the home office in Calgary for a bit,
and a few days with family here for a bit.
The family is running to my aunt & uncle's cottage at Long Point.

I am the proud owner of a NIKON D40

I'll be playing with it a fair bit over the cottage days.
We're going to make a run to Point Pelee.
Hopefully the Monarchs will cooperate
and already be gathering for their migration to Mexico.


Dwayne said...

Congratulations. A couple weeks ago I bought a Canon Digital Rebel (previously owned). I was looking at the Nikon, but the Canon allowed me to use my old lens.

Take lots of pictures, and enjoy family & the cottage!

Patti said...

Woohoo! Happy photographing!