September 17, 2007

Pelee & Long Point

I think I LOVE my new camera!
Fun times were had with the family.
Lots of food was consumed.
Smores were created over and eaten 'round the campfire.
Beautiful weather and lots of big waves on the Lake.
All in all two thumbs up!

Monarchs hangin' at Long Point

Monarch soaking up sun at Point Pelee

Part of the Point Pelee Marsh Trail

Part of the Point Pelee Marsh Trail

The Calvinator - lovin' this whole off the leash thing!


Patti said...

Look at all those butterflies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome pictures Kelly!

Dwayne said...

OK, how do you get your picture to show up on comments?

Oh, and nice pics Kel. Hopefully my used Canon performs as well. =(

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly, they are some great pic's. Very clear and life like.

Beautiful ones of butterflies.

Is that your dog?

Kelly said...

It was VERY cool when they would all flutter overhead!

pictures in comments? you mean Patti? I assume because she's got her's on her profile ... which I don't.

the dog -- Yep! he's mine!

Threat Assessment & Response Canada said...


Now I want to go to the beeeaaach!!!!


Great pics.

Calvin is adorable!

Patti said...

Yah. It's in my profile.

And it's a real pain to get it in there.

And sometimes takes multiple efforts before it works.

Blogger is pretty weak in this area.

But, if you create a post with your picture in it (you don't have to publish the post, just save it), then you can copy the code from that picture and paste it into your profile, to tell them where to pull the picture from.

Again - took me multiple efforts each time. It's very annoying.

Dwayne said...

Thanks Patti. And thanks Kelly for allowing me to learn about code on your blog.

Patti said...

Happy Thanksgiving Kelly!

Patti said...'s been a month and a new pics?? No profound thoughts??

We miss you!!! (And when I say "we" I'm really just speaking for myself, and all my hats)