March 29, 2008

can ya smell it?

it's almost here!


Joe said...

There comes that special moment when the earth warms and mold begins to grow again. It gives that earthy smell I relate to spring. Then soon the first shoots of life spread their tiny fingers to the light. It is life renewed.

Patti said...

Yay! Spring! Yay! Spring! Yay! Spring! Yay! Spring!


Don G said...

I can't wait much longer - the five day forecast on Friday ( 740 AM ) said that it would be 14 degrees next Wednesday. I hope so - can't wait to get the trike out of mothballs.
Nice picture you posted. Did you shoot it yourself or plagiarize it ??

Kelly said...

life renewed ... one of my favourite aspects of spring.

the pic is from the front garden. the crocuses (crocusi?) are sitting in the shadow of the remnants of a snow bank.

Dougie G said...

We're already planning the garden, pruning the trees and looking forward to the new season. I love the change of seasons. Spring is nice, but Fall is my favorite. Nice weather and no bugs. My sinuses always tell me when spring is coming. I think there really is a spring fever.... and a fall fever and a winter fever and a summer fever! If we had no calender, my body would tell me when the seasons were changing. I just know.

Meredith said...

today i can (14 degrees!?) :)

later this week i'm not so sure.. :)

D_Morrison said...

I could HEAR spring this morning.

As I stepped out the door at 6 Am I could hear the birds singing. It was nice and warm too! The thaw has begun!

Kelly said...

i went outside without a coat today ...

signs, signs everywhere are signs!

Don G said...

Spring is sprung: the grass is riz:
I wonder where the flowers is ?
The boid is on the wing I hoid:
I always thot the wing was on the boid !